Our Story

In the beginning…

It started with a trip to meet the French cousins in 2011 that sparked the idea of planting a Vineyard here in Bath.

In Beaune, the walled town center of the Burgundy winemaking region, surrounded by the Côte d'Or vineyards. After a morning's wine tasting at Le Cellier de la Cabiote, I noticed the soil looked similar to ours on the farm. It was a throw-away comment at the time, "perhaps we should plant a vineyard along with your Quinoa," and four years later, in 2015, we took the audacious decision to plant ten thousand vines... a few thought I was crazy! But, I knew the Romans had vineyards in these fields in the middle ages.


Nurturing ten thousand vines (and juggling the day job) believing we would cultivate grapes that could produce quality sparkling wine has been exciting, scary, and, with a little patience.

Our adventure started in 2015, at Corston fields farm, just up the road from the famous World heritage site and Roman city of Bath.

Following in the footsteps of the Romans who planted vines in these fields. We've taken it upon ourselves as the descendants of these fields, to pay tribute to those pioneers, in carrying on their legacy and adopting traditional wine making practises.