Community Days
Community Days

Our Community Days are focused on getting all the locals together for connection time in the Vineyard, bud-rubbing (June), leaf pruning (August-September), wine tasting (any time!), plus sharing a meal and celebrating the harvest. Our intention is for all generations to come together to enjoy a fun day out, share a laugh and some friendly banter!
It goes deeper than that though. We all know the benefits of nature on mental health, although it's often hard to prioritise a good amount of it. Spending time in the Vineyard and bringing nature into your everyday can benefit your mental and physical wellbeing tremendously.
Improve your mood - reduce feelings of stress or anger - take time out to relax - improve your physical health - improve your confidence and self-esteem - help you be more active & make new connections.
Community days are free to founding members, along with early access to secure your place. Spaces are limited but also open to the public, so you can bring along your family and friends!

connection days
We have all felt so keenly throughout the Coronavirus pandemic the deep human need for 'connection time', real, in-person and hands-on.
We are more ready than ever to reconnect with likeminded people, our family and friends, to grow our community with new members and have many adventures together!
what we will be doing
Join us in the Vineyard for some leaf stripping, laughter and new connections.
You are welcome to bring along a family member or a friend (although you’ll meet new friends on the day!) Good food for the soul will be provided as well as an array of healthy lunch options.
These days are all about slowing down, putting our screens away for a space and having a little downtime. Nurturing that need for togetherness and embracing some _real_ facetime can sometimes take a little energy to kick-start, but one we all will benefit from! Being out in nature surrounded by vines is a wonderful way to encourage our innate connectivity and works magic for the soul.
a typical community day
9:00 Arrival time
9:30 to 12:00 - Leaf stripping together in The Vineyard.
13:00 to 14:00 - Lunch together
14:00 to 16:00 - Final leaf strip in The Vineyard
what is leaf stripping?
The quintessential vineyard communal activity, we find it perfect for easing the mind and chatting whilst your hands are busy. Leaf stripping involves removing the leaves from around the fruit zone, so that the bunches get better sun and aeration for the rest of the growing season. The extra heat exposure helps the grapes to ripen over the next few months, with the added bonus that the risk of bunch rot is reduced.
In August the leaves are only plucked away on the cooler, morning-sun side of the row of vines, because sudden exposure from mid-day and afternoon heat may cause sun-burn on the grapes facing West. In early September we complete the job, opening up the canopy allowing free flowing air and plenty of sunlight on the grape zone encouraging a lovely ripeness come harvest.
We hope you will join us in taking pleasure in one of the most enjoyable hands-on vineyard activities!